
Below are price estimates for a single portrait of one person. Example images of the look and style of each option are provided. You can choose virtually any size or dimensions you like for your piece. If you are looking for something specific that is not listed, please email me with your request so that I can give you a quote.

Monochrome Portraits (Digital)

6” x 6”: $150

8” x 8”: $175

10” x 10”: $225

12” x 12”: $250

14” x 14”: $275

Full Color Portraits (Digital)

6” x 6”: $175

8” x 8”: $200

10” x 10”: $250

12” x 12”: $275

14” x 14”: $300

Color Portraits (Acrylic on Board)*

6” x 6”: $275

8” x 8”: $300

10” x 10”: $350

12” x 12”: $400

14” x 14”: $450

*Please note that the price estimates shown only account for cost of labor. All acrylic and traditional pieces will also include additional charges for the cost of materials.


Pet Portraits

Below are price estimates for a single portrait of one pet. Example images will soon be available. The images will be made in the same rendering styles as the portraits above. You can choose virtually any size or dimensions you like for your piece. If you are looking for something specific that is not listed, please email me with your request so that I can give you a quote.

Monochrome Pet Portraits (Digital)

6” x 6”: $125

8” x 8”: $150

10” x 10”: $200

12” x 12”: $225

14” x 14”: $250

Full Color Pet Portraits (Digital)

6” x 6”: $150

8” x 8”: $175

10” x 10”: $225

12” x 12”: $250

14” x 14”: $275

Color Pet Portraits (Acrylic on Board)*

6” x 6”: $250

8” x 8”: $275

10” x 10”: $325

12” x 12”: $350

14” x 14”: $400

*Please note that the price estimates shown only account for cost of labor. All acrylic and traditional pieces will also include additional charges for the cost of materials.


Next Steps

If you’re interested in hiring me to draw or paint people or pet portraits, below are questions to get started. In order to get an exact quote, please email me the following:

  1. How many people and/or animals you want in the picture

  2. What medium you want the piece made with (digital or traditional: acrylic, ink, graphite, etc.)

  3. What size (in inches) you want the finished product to be

  4. The deadline for the piece to be emailed or shipped to you. (Please consider the time you need to receive the piece and frame it if necessary! This is especially important if the piece is a holiday gift)

  5. What background (or none, if you prefer) you would like the piece to have

  6. Any photos and reference images you want me to use for likeness, etc.

For pieces that are not traditional portrait commissions, feel free to email me the subject matter you would like me to draw along with the answers to questions 2-5. Thank you!